Thursday, September 15, 2022

How to change the container of video file using FFmpeg -c copy command.

If you want to change the container of a video file (no transcoding), you can use FFmpeg and the -c copy command.

Keep in mind I keep FFmpeg exes in a folder called PATH_Programs, so I put the video file in the same folder.

Let's say you want to change video01.mkv to video01.webm. I would open the Command Prompt (with Administrator Rights) and type the following:

C:\PATH_Programs>ffmpeg -i video01.mkv -c copy video01.webm

FFmpeg will just change the container from Mkv to Webm.

One Way To Fix The Issues With DarNified UI, Adjustable HUD, Immersive HUD, UIO and Other HUD mods (Fallout 3).

 So, I was reinstalling Fallout 3 and found some issues when using DarNified UI ,  Adjustable HUD , Immersive HUD , UIO (User Interface Org...